Wednesday, September 11, 2013

What is Matrichal?

Pouring delicious thoughts on your mind…let me help you taste the smell of the roses...smell the colors around you...And then the has feminine prevailed.  



What is matriarchal according to the dictionary it is described as a women with high power position, women that is a head of the house, and strong older women.  With this, it is understood why so many women are out of sync with who they are today. Well this is a different set of principle of what true matriarchal is and how we are being affected without this lost principle.  

True matriarchal is not what the typical person would think by simply taking a women and put all the traits, characteristic, or even jobs or position of men and apply this to women and call this matriarchal.  We need to stop fighting what matriarchal is, it does not belong or need to be on top but side by side with patriarchal and then we will have a functional society.

But what is matriarchal, simply it is the missing link of our society.  It is the emotion that drive us, the intuition that signal us, its being able to understand the symbols in the relation to life as we know it. Being able to look at the images and see the beauty in everything.  It’s taking risk and chances to the up most; it’s disorganized even though one comes to see the whole picture.  It’s the true philosophies of our spirituality. 
There are infinite possibilities when one apply themselves to this principle and only then can one see the world for what it is and only than changes are made.